Thursday, November 28, 2019
40 Fun Activities to Try with Your College Friends
40 Fun Activities to Try with Your College Friends The friendships you establish in college will be some of the most unique relationships you will ever have. Thrown together by chance or circumstance, these friendships usually last a lifetime. Not only that, but these relationships provide ample opportunities to stretch your wings, try new things, and live life a little irresponsibly. If you still have no friends in college, dont worry and find out how to find them! If it is not the case and youââ¬â¢ve been looking for suggestions on just how to spend time with your college friends, we have a few ideas for you. Start a water balloon fight on central campus. Get matching haircuts. Start a game of tag or hide-n-seek in Wal-Mart. Go for a swim in the school fountain. Schedule a Guitar Hero tournament. Plan a cornhole tournament. Girls, schedule a slumber party; boys, crash said party. Put on a lip-sync performance and create your own music video. Host a prom. Go on a road trip. Plan a progressive dinner. Get your fortunes told. Set up a faux senior portrait session; see if this attempt is less awkward than the last. Make an old school mixed CD and then swap the finished products. Have a classic TV marathon (Saved by the Bell for the girls, Dukes of Hazard for the boys). Clean out your closets and have a clothing swap. Plan a cook-off. Eat a picnic on the quad. Create the most absurd outfits imaginable and wear them to the gym for a workout. Ride the bus around town; youââ¬â¢re bound to discover local places you never knew about. Go to a drive-in movie. Host a costume party. Play Spin the Bottle. Throw a house warming party when someone gets new digs. Booby-trap someoneââ¬â¢s dorm room. Attend the playoffs for one of your schoolââ¬â¢s sports. Saran wrap all the public toilets in the dorms. Plan a flash mob. Start a blog. Try an exotic food you canââ¬â¢t pronounce. Help someone else; put together a Relay for Life or Dance Marathon team. Learn about wine; there is more to know than just ââ¬Å"redâ⬠or ââ¬Å"white.â⬠Go to a Pride Parade. Learn to drive a 5-speed car. Donate blood. Have a Nerf gun war. Play a milkshake drinking game. Paint pottery. Make a Burn Book, Mean Girlsââ¬â¢ style. Have an eating contest. College doesnââ¬â¢t last long. Between all the studying and pointless part-time jobs, there isnââ¬â¢t much time left for fun. Make sure you use your time wisely! Grab your friends and do something reckless, spontaneous, or totally out of character today! We hope our list has inspired you to try something new. If you have more ideas about how to add some spice to the college life, share in comments!
Monday, November 25, 2019
INTRODUCERE IN ISTORIA SCRISULUI SI A CARTII Essays - Free Essays INTRODUCERE IN ISTORIA SCRISULUI SI A CARTII Vizite: ? Nota: ? i1s6se O FUGARA PRIVIRE ASUPRA MENIRII CUVANTULUI SCRIS La inceput de mileniu III se cuvine sa intoarcem privirile spre inceputurile civilizatiei umane pentru a ne pune cateva intrebari logice si mereu incitante. De ce scriu oamenii ? De cand scriu_? si Cum comunica ei prin scris ? Si daca facem in gand ocolul Terrei, am putea fi uimiti in fata imaginii unui adevarat Turn Babel al scrierilor ajunse pana la noi. Nu stim daca noi putem estima astazi cu exactitate cat de mare este aportul scrierii ca tezaurizator al formelor de civilizatie si cultura ale omenirii, dar suntem siguri ca niciodata nu se va afla cate descoperiri s-au pierdut din cauza lipsei cuvantului scris in acele inceputuri ale timpului si cate se vor fi sters odata cu incendierile care au distrus atatea inventii incredintate de geniul omenesc viitorului prin litera asezata pe hartie.O incercare de a calcula statistic cat anume a ajuns la noi din ceea ce a creat Antichitatea a condus la concluzia ca in prezent detinem numai a patruzecea parte din mostenirea vechii epoci. Nu vi se pare surprinzator de putin? Asa cum suntem siguri ca fara inventarea plugului, a rotii olarului, a strungului s i a razboiului de tesut nu ar fi inflorita azi marea industrie moderna, tot astfel putem sa fim incredintati ca fara nascocirea lui Gutenberg si fara ideea lui Marconi precursorii nostri, care trudind veac dupa veac au impins viata spre prezentul, pe care il traim in acest inceput de mileniu III, n-ar fi infruntat atat de eroic cerbiciile istoriei. De cand preistoria a lasat locul istoriei, oamenii au cautat metode pentru a nu da prada uitarii faptele mari ale timpului lor. Povestite copiilor si nepotilor, ele au trecut prin viu grai din generatie in generatie. Dar pentru ca fiecare povestitor simtea nevoia sa adauge sau sa lase la o parte cate ceva din cele ce el auzise narandu-se, ceea ce se transmitea depasea frontierele istoriei, devenind basm, legenda, balada sau epopee. Pentru a le da mai multa stralucire rapsozii le-au turnat in versuri. Astfel s-au inaltat acele unice monumente ale limbii si civilizatiei eline care sunt cantecele homerice, Iliada s i Odiseea, atata timp nescrise, circuland prin viu grai de la o generatie la alta. Atunci cand cuvantului i s-a simtit rostul de pastrator al cugetarii si sentimentelor umane, scrisul a si inceput sa fie plamadit in forme pe care fantezia fiecarei semintii a gasit-o potrivita intelegerii sale. Mai apoi, oamenii au descoperit mijlocul de a transmite posteritatii viata lor traita, iar ves tile lor aveau sa ajunga acolo unde vorba zisa liber nu putea razbate nestingherita de departarea in timp si spatiu. Astfel gandul cu ideile omului, simtirea cu emotiile sale aveau sa treaca fara vama de la un meridian la altul, de la un secol la altul. Inainte ca primul cuvant sa fi fost fixat prin scris, oare cu ce mijloace isi ajutau oamenii memoria? Cum comunicau intre ei printr-un alt fel de semne care au precedat scrisul ? Se crede ca, spre exemplu, ridicarea unor mormane de piatra, apoi a unor stele funerare, ca forme de a comunica o idee, ar fi fost primii pasi spre inventarea scrierii. Pana la noi a razbit pe calea traditiei populare obiceiul de a-ti face un nod la batista ca sa-ti amintesti ca stii ca ai de implinit un proiect ori un comision. Este vorba in asemenea exemplificari doar de un rudiment al unor sisteme de comunicare, ce erau intrebuintate in epoca in care se trecea de la preistorie la istorie. Poate ca mataniile, inventate candva de catre calugarii budis ti si folosite pana astazi de catre catolici, nu sunt nici ele altceva decat niste precursoare ale scrisului. Ele ar putea face parte dintr-o preistorie a erei Gutenberg, aidoma semnelor casei, care se intrebuintau chiar ca iscalitura, cand proprietarul nu cunos tea scrisul, sau desenelor de pe stanci facute in epoca de piatra, ele marcand inceputul scrierilor in sisteme sintetice. Din nevoia de a pastra si transmite unele amintiri s-au creat primele documente intocmite cu ajutorul scrierii pictografice sau ideografice intr-un sistem ce reda numai sensul general, fara a pastra insa textul exact. Inscriptiile ideografice se mai redacteaza s i astazi, respectandu-se o traditie
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Food comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Food comparison - Essay Example In terms of use, they are not heavily used in cooking in American food as compared to the British cuisine but are often used in desserts. Apple is also used for juice, cider and syrup since it has a good taste and a rich aroma. A key difference when comparing to oranges is that the apple fruit can be consumed peeled or unpeeled while the orange is usually had after it has been peeled (IFR, 2006). Orange peel often finds other uses in the food industry while apple peel is used as a part of the fruit (Wikipedia, 2006). The majority component of both apples and oranges is water but a lot of other minerals are also stored in them. Both fruits are also good sources of vitamin C but the orange contains almost double the amount of Vitamin C as compared to an apple (IFR, 2006).Additionally, oranges come in a whole variety of flavors which range from sweet to bitter (Wikipedia, 2006). They are a more popular fruit than the apple since they are cultivated, used and consumed on a larger scale t han apples (IFR, 2006). Unlike the apple, they also have a heavy use in industry since orange oil is used as a scent adding ingredient in household washing supplies, furniture polish and even liquids used to clean automobile upholstery (Wikipedia, 2006). In conclusion, both fruits have their uses and our diet as well as our lives would be very different had we no apples or oranges.Ã . Clearly we would not be able to compare them to each other but more importantly, we would lose out on a lot of flavor.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Race and Criminal Justice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Race and Criminal Justice - Research Paper Example The types of crimes that are in the spotlight when racial discrimination is discussed within these quarters matter (Neugebauer, 2000). Researchers have also placed a higher barrier when racism is discussed with the focus of their studies mainly being the black population rather than the reasons why they have been incarcerated. Furthermore, this paper has been researched on the backdrop of the fact that within the past two decades, racism, conscious and unconscious, individual and institutional, has been uncovered in all major criminal justice agencies and more so within the prisons and the police (Bhui, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to conduct a research on how the two, race and the criminal justice system interact and whether there are any undertones that require being addressed from a policy-making point of view. The main method of research will be the use of surveys where ten participants have been identified to participate in this research. The main method used to conduct the survey will dwell both on the oral and the electronic forms to allow for greater elaboration of any unclear sentiments. Confidentiality will be maintained with each participant assured of their privacy. America is one of the most racially diverse nations in the world. However, despite the fact that people feel that racism was fought against and won over after the civil rights movements took issue with the apparent discrimination, many still believe that racism is one of the most rife topics in the country. More so, people have taken an offensive against the criminal justice system where they believe that the American criminal justice system has become a racially biased institution whose main targets are African-Americans (Quigley, 2010). According to the Political Research Associates (2006), roughly 70% of the nearly 2.1 million adult men and women in prison are persons of color. This has led to the conclusion by many that the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Beethoven Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Beethoven - Research Paper Example Whereas he remains one of the most well recognized and famous classical composers, scholars still debate what the ultimate cause of Beethovenââ¬â¢s hearing loss might have been. Beethoven himself described its onset as a troublesome ringing in his ears. Medical professionals at that time as well as today believe that the condition could have been brought on by an acute illness that he suffered during early adulthood. Whatever the cause, Beethoven began to experience a noticeable level of hearing loss by the age of 26. Scholars are aware of this due to the fact that it was at this age that Beethoven first mentioned that the hearing loss was troubling him in his correspondence to friends and family. As one might expect, for someone as passionate about music as was Beethoven, such a loss was tantamount to complete and total defeat and desolation. Within his own correspondence it was noted that he even experienced suicidal thoughts at times due to the fact that the hearing loss was af fecting his ability to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. As such, bouts of severe depression ensued by which Beethoven contemplated ending his life. However, the hearing loss was gradual and Beethoven was not aware at any one particular point during the hearing loss process that he would ultimately be entirely and completely deaf.... lthough a definitive date does not exist by which Beethoven completely and entirely could be considered deaf, it is widely reported that the first time he experienced complete and total deafness was at the premier of the 9th symphony; arguably his magnum opus. At this time, Beethoven reportedly went out on the stage at the conclusion of the symphony and was greeted by rapturous applause. However, due to the fact that he could not hear this, he felt initially that his work was a commercial and professional failure and began to cry heavily.1 Even this debacle and embarrassment was not enough to discourage Beethoven from performing publically. Several public performances with Beethoven as a featured musician took place following the debacle of the 9th Symphony. However, during the performance of the Piano Concerto No. 5, Beethoven was forced to allow his student Carl Czerny to perform as he could no longer hear the music or the beat and keep time with the other musicians. Though it is t rue that Beethoven was not completely and entirely deaf at this stage, he was unable to hear certain pitches of music and could only hear the very lowest bass notes. Recent scholarship into Beethovenââ¬â¢s music after the year 1814 notes the fact that his loss of hearing helped to alter the music after this period of time as compared to the music composed before it. What is meant by this is that the music prior to 1814 included something of an equal composition of both high pitches and low pitches within the score. Although it is true that there remain a profound number of high pitches within Beethovenââ¬â¢s music post 1814 (or after the time in which acute hearing loss profoundly impacted upon the way in which he composed music), it can be readily noted that as a direct result of his hearing
Friday, November 15, 2019
Response Paper On Being An Atheist Philosophy Essay
Response Paper On Being An Atheist Philosophy Essay In the H.J. McCloskey article entitled, On Being an Atheist he begins with assertions that are absent of logic, common sense, and reasoning. He reaches all these conclusions without even a respectful cursory reading of Gods word, much less study. I will attempt to show where his arguments do not, conclusively prove that atheism is true, or that God does not exist.Ã [1]Ã I find it interesting that he does not address ontological arguments (the idea of God proves, or adds evidence to, the fact that He exists and, in fact, dismisses them. Therefore, I want to point out that ontological arguments do not prove atheism, because simply declaring yourself an atheist does not qualify you as an atheist. With all due respect, Mr. McCloskey argues in favor of atheism and attempts to discredit theism, by using multiple approaches one being that God failed to establish His own existence, and he claims in his cosmological argument, that the existence of all that we experience and see while on e arth, does not prove God exists or that He is even necessary.Ã [2]Ã Proofs cant definitively establish the case for God First, McCloskey implies proofs cant definitively establish the case for God, so they should be abandoned. McCloskey makes no effort to define evil, nor does he attempt to explain it. He tries to discredit anyones belief in God, by attacking the origin of their belief, but he never addresses why a persons faith cannot be valid whether they examine all the evidence prior to accepting Christian theism are not! To understand McCloskeys argument, you have to understand relativism, which is a position where all points of view are equally valid and all truth is relative to the individual, but relativism does not prove there is no God. Philosophy sometimes clouds issues to the point, that nothing can be known for sure. For the Christian, the ultimate expression of truth is found in Jesus words in John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life McCloskey portrays God as jaded, accusatory, argumentative, uncaring, incompetent, unforgiving, and punitive. Mr. McCloskey is putting forth a cause and effect argument absent of consequences. McCloskey says the best proofs of the non existence of God are the evil acts of men and women and he circumvents morality, and focuses on evil, because morality is stronger proof that an intelligent creator designed the universe. As a result, McCloskey struggles with the question: AWhy is there evil and suffering in the world?Ã [3]Ã The Cosmological Argument In his book: Reasonable Faith, William Lane Craig, writes, There must exist a creator, or a being responsible for all creation and that creator has no need of a cause, as do those things which have an origin. So everything that begins to exist does need a cause, but to say that something has no beginning does not need a cause, denies the existence of a predecessor.Ã [4]Ã In Dr. Evans book, Philosophy of Religion, he summarized the cause question saying, The person who believes in God and the person who does not believe in God, do not merely disagree about God. They disagree about the very character of the universe. If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist and since they do, then God does exist. Cultural relativism makes the culture the supreme determinant of right and wrong; therefore, the culture becomes god. McCloskey flippantly and wrongly asserts, There is no God, because of all the evil and wickedness in the world.Ã [5]Ã Mr. McCloskey argues against theism and paints a picture of humanity being little more than animals and acts that we classify as murder, torture, and rape are natural and amoral just as in the animal kingdom. Moreover, if there is no rule of law to prohibit certain actions, how can we have moral obligations or prohibitions? The cosmological argument asks: Is something good because God wills it, or does God will something because its good? Theists have traditionally taught: God wills something, because He is good, but that doesnt ignore divine sovereignty. William Craigs answer is, Gods moral nature is itself the ultimate standard of moral goodness. Go ds moral nature is what Plato called the Good. He is the source of moral value.Ã [6]Ã The Teleological Argument McCloskey claims, as does many philosophers, that in order to believe that nature was designed, there would need to be examples that were indisputable. The Argument of Design, appeals to a principle of reasoning that seems to be firmly embedded in common sense and in scientific thinking, so he asks, How can evil exist if an omnipotent God really exists? That brings us to the concept of free moral will. Evil is not something God deliberately and maliciously created so that humans could experience pain and suffering. Atheists never deal with the question of what the purpose of mans existence is. Julian Huxley, representing the atheist view, said: We are as much a product of blind forces as is the falling of a stone to Earth, or the ebb and flow of the tides. We have just happened, and man was made flesh by a long series of singularly beneficial accidents.Ã [7]Ã McCloskey asks why God cant keep humans from making wrong decisions? The teleological argument says, To approach this proof, indisputable examples of design would be required. Generally speaking, to give an example of design, would make it possible that there is a Designer; and in order for that possibility to exist, God must exist! McCloskey says, No being who was perfect could have created a world in which there was so much suffering or in which his creatures would engage in morally evil acts, which often result in injury to innocent persons.Ã [8]Ã Moral evil is caused by the actions and wrong choices of free, morally responsible beings. Natural evil, is the evil that does not occur as a result of a responsi bly moral being. God is justified in allowing evil, because he is God and we are not! Alvin Plantinga in his book: God, Freedom, and Evil writes, God has reasons for allowing evil that we cant know and would not understand if we did. Some of the evils in the world happen in order to produce second order virtues. For example, a first order evil occurs, when a grizzly bear charges a mans daughter; perhaps a second order virtue, courage, is produced when the man charges the bear waving his arms to scare the bear off. Or, if the bear gets the girl, which would be evil, perseverance and reliance on Christ could be the second order virtue of the man. The second order evils that occur, are opposite virtues, such as cowardice? This is the result of the mistakes of Man and his poor use of free choice.Ã [9]Ã McCloskeys discussion of free will begins when he asks why God did not arrange so that man always makes the right choice. His argument, is not logical, because had God decreed that ev eryone always choose the right path, then no one would have a free will. As Evans stated in his book, Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith, AGod allows human kind a free will, because without it we could not be morally responsible, nor would we be capable of freely doing good by responding to and loving our Creator. Atheists cannot always argue that free will and necessitation to virtue are incompatible, because they represent God himself as possessing a free will and as being incapable of acting immorally. If this can be the case with God, why can it not be so with all free agents?Ã [10]Ã The Presence of Evil. There is the idea postulated worldwide that states, the amount of good in the world ultimately outweighs the evil in the world. Its the Agreater [emailprotected] argument where a greater good is achieved and therefore the good will always outweigh the bad. So by McCloskeys definition, wholesale murder is wrong, but unavoidable. If the atheist says there is no such thing as objective morality, the atheist loses all credibility. In JudeoChristian theism, we believe objective morality exists, and is the byproduct of the regenerate heart and mind, and if morality is transcendent of the opinions of man, it becomes nothing more than logic, when in fact morality is far more important than logic. So does atheism have a better explanation for the existence of objective morality? McCloskey offers nothing to the debate! Atheism is not comforting Our universe is a maze of mysteries, like how can gravity pull the Milky Way into a spiral? How can atoms contain such power that matter, smaller than a dime, produced the energy in the bomb that killed 100,000 Hiroshima residents? How can the doublehelix thread of DNA create all living things, from bacteria to trees to Beethoven? How can electrons, dormant in every atom of your body, explode into violent lightning bolts when theyre detached? Why does anything exist? If we say that the power of gravity, atoms, DNA, lightning and all the rest is God B and that God is E = MC2 B then God exists. Those baffling forces are undeniably real. McCloskey offers some encouragement and insight saying, Atheism is not comforting when you consider the problem of evil. Instead, atheism adopted by a thoughtful and sensitive person, leads to a spirit of self reliance, and self respect which demands that we comfort and help those who need such support, because it will mitigate the blows of fate.Ã [11]Ã William Lane Craig was absolutely accurate when he spoke ingeniously, If God does not e xist, then you are just a miscarriage of nature, thrust into a purposeless universe to live a purposeless life.Ã [12]Ã
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
pollock Essay -- essays research papers
For centuries artist along with society have placed an emphasis on meaning in a piece of art. Art has always consisted of subject matters, motifs and other pre-concieved ideas or thoughts about what one should use as their focal point in a work of art. The very definition of art though, is an appealing or attractive object created through any of the fine arts. Nowhere does it say that a work of art must have a concentration point. Not until the advent of abstract expressionism was the idea of ââ¬Å"painting from the unconscious,â⬠1 brought into the art scene. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à This movement typically saw artist rapidly slinging, slapping and dripping paint onto large canvases with no emphasis on subject matters but rather spontaneity. Jackson Pollock who has been deemed the greatest american painter was one of the pioneers of this artistic movement. Pollock, the first painter to pour paint on the canvas with brushes instead of using brush strokes to apply it, circled his canvases which were placed across the floor, controlling the flow of the paint in a very rythmic matter. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à The project which I have created was based upon the stylistic nature of Jackson Pollock's work. The freedom of this form of abstract...
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper Reading Response
This is a fictional story, in classic form, has a plot, a setting, a cast of characters, and a point of view in which the story is told. The conflict of this story is the struggle of Jane against her husband and then later her struggle against the wallpaper itself. However, it is the way in which the story is told and the unexpected conclusion at the end of it that make it unique and part of the 19th century. The setting of this story takes place during the summer in a rented home that John has acquired so that the narrator may rest and get well again.The story takes place about the time in which it was written, in the late 19th century. The house is a colonial mansion, which our narrator quickly tells us she thinks is haunted. It is in a rural setting surrounded by gardens and woods with ââ¬Å"a lovely shaded winding roadâ⬠leading up to the mansion. The main setting, which the narrator describes, is the room in which she stays. She goes into explicit detail as she carefully d escribes the yellow wallpaper which consumes more and more of her attention. The wallpaper becomes a moving prison to our main character, while other characters, like John, barely seem to notice its presence.There are not many characters in this story, but each one plays a vital role in giving the reader insight into the mind of the writer and allowing the reader to come to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the story. Jennie, a flat character and foil of the main character, is the main characterââ¬â¢s sister-in-law and is the caretaker of the home. She is the ââ¬Å"perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper and hopes for no better professionâ⬠who serves as a substitute wife for Johnââ¬â¢s traditional family view. She is the imprisoned woman who is perfectly fine with her prison, even blaming the narratorââ¬â¢s sickness on her untraditional thinking and writing.John, who is also a flat character, is the main characterââ¬â¢s husband and is the archetype of the 19th century white male. He is a successful ââ¬Å"practical physicianâ⬠who treats his wife more like a patient than he does an equal partner. John is a representative image of the dominant sunlight, which in the story keeps the woman behind strict bars and prevents her from being free or creative. Though the narrator never explicitly tells us her name, the very end of the story says, ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Iââ¬â¢ve got out at last,ââ¬â¢ said I, ââ¬Ëin spite of you and Jane. And Iââ¬â¢ve pulled off most of the paper, so you canââ¬â¢t put me back! â⬠This is a clear indication to me that the narratorââ¬â¢s name is Jane, as revealed by the crazy woman (Jane) who now thinks she was the one in the wallpaper. The narrator of the story, Jane, is the main character and is a round character that is fully developed. She is representative of the woman imprisoned, unsatisfied with being merely the submissive housekeeper. Jane is like the less dominant moon, which in the story allows the bars of the wallpaper to move and free the woman in the wallpaper from her daytime prison. We are given an insight into Janeââ¬â¢s mind and opinions through her writings in her journal.This story is told in first-person narration. However, it is not in traditional story form, but it is constructed as if we are reading the hidden journal of the Jane who is telling, us alone, all her intimate thoughts. This also allows for the time-lapse in which the story skips over weeks at a time allowing the reader to gain an understanding of what is going on without having to read mundane and unimportant details. The chronological order of the journal also lends to it appearing as if it could be an actual journal the audience is reading.Although The Yellow Wallpaper has all the components of the average fictional story such as plot, a setting, characters, and is even told in a fairly common point of view, the brilliant writing of the story combined with the unique way in which it is presented, make for an exciting story that keeps the readerââ¬â¢s attention. The story is also a deep insight into the authorââ¬â¢s world and time revealing her own personal point of view. It is this creative writing, coupled with deep meaning and veiled in captivating writing, which assures this literary work will continue to remain a hallmark of fiction.
Friday, November 8, 2019
British didnt have to lose the Colonies essays
AP History/ British didn't have to lose the Colonies essays Were it not for the oversights, mistakes, and misjudgments of British leadership, the American colonies would still be territory of Great Britain. Parliament had the power to declare the colonies exempt from taxation, increased colonial dependency on Britain, or given the colonies a form of government that while subject to the Kings veto, would have been an equally powerful counterpart of Parliament that would have ruled over the colonies alone, circumventing the need for rebellion by allowing more freedoms. I. Parliament/King could have declared the colonies exempt from the taxes enforced on English merchants. A. Even if the British merchants complained, they were powerless. 1. They relied on the colonies for a large portion of business. 2. The non-importation agreements proved the power of the colonies over the British economy. 3. The repealing of the Stamp Act proved that mercantilism was a double-edged sword, forcing the economy to become dependent on the colonies for trade and material. B. Keeping on good terms with the colonial merchants proved important. 1. There was a monopoly on tobacco and tobacco prices, an important and widely exported staple product. 2. The Navy was dependent on lumber from the colonies to build and repair ships, maintaining British dominance of the shipping lanes. 3. Without colonists to buy imports from Britain, the British economy suffered, as witnessed by the non-importation agreements that got the Stamp Act repealed. C. It would serve the ultimate purpose by keeping the colonies from succeeding. 1. The colonists were taxing themselves, and resented the taxation on their trade. 2. The colonists were psychologically independent from Britain, being so far removed from their mother country, and many colonialists were born in the colonies, with no real allegiance to Britain. 3. The colonists were self-sufficient, except for the keeping banks, and would obviously break away...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Effective Management System Essays
Effective Management System Essays Effective Management System Essay Effective Management System Essay It has vastly expanded to become a distinctive household brand enterprise that has established Its name on the International scale with Its bakery, restaurant and food atrium footprints. Its portfolio comprises of several brands being Play, Din Tall Fund,Food Republic, The Icing Room, Toast Box and Carols Jar In China (Breadth, 2014). Bakery from Breadth contributed 52. 2% to the total Breadth Group revenue, million, an Increase of 22. 1% from 2009 onwards (Breadth, 2014). This was mostly contributed by expansion of outlets and partly driven by higher same store sales In Hong Kong and Singapore. Growth In franchise revenue was mainly attributed to Increasing growth In royalty fees Income In Dalton with expanding franchise brands on broader consumer based. The objective this report Is to discuss and analyze Breadth current situation, Its current strategies and to conclude on Breadth human resource strategy whether If It Is affective. Strategy. Breakfast has a manage to create a strong branding with differentiation with over 7 different brands to cater to a large number of food and beverage consumers . Breadth also has very creative product innovations led by a team of skilled culinary chefs to run the research and development department , which is a team comprised of chefs from Japan , Spain , Germany and France that has produce numerous recipes which has made some of Breadth most popular dishes and rodents example the famous pork floss bread which risen Breadth to fame. Besides being run by a team of experience managers with a diversified background of experience ranging from Finance to Food and Beverage led by the founder Dry. George Queue himself , Breadth group also has a strong partnership in Asia to penetrate and build its reputation in the Asian market which manages to penetrate the Asia market with ease from Asia to the Middle East . (Breadth,2014) How does providing training and development skills to employees actually benefit an organization ? Training can improve and greatly increases an employees knowledge and understanding of foreign cultures and competitors which could benefit as they can work even closer with their foreign peers and understand different foreign cultures to produce goods which will cater to the business foreign consumers . Trainings could also ensure that employees have the necessary skills to work with the latest technology which could eventually speed up the productivity rate of the business as employees are well equipped with the knowledge in handling equipments . Trainings not only imparts knowledge to the employees as an individual UT also as a team as well to improve employees working as a team closely to ensure effective teamwork producing good quality product and excellent service standard . Another benefit is how training can ensure a better understanding for employees towards the companys culture example , in the case of Breadth the company culture focuses on product innovation and creativity to differentiate its brands. Breadth,2014) An effective training can only be planned effort by an organization to accommodate the learning of employees which is a high leverage training that is linked to strategic equines objectives that is supported by top management , relies on instructional designs model and set to the same level as to programs of other organization to ensure that the organization is keeping up with its competitor in terms of knowledge and skills. Nee of the trainings that Breadth did was for Din ATA Fungus employees where Breadth shifted the centralized kitchen and training facilities all in one to accommodate to trainings for new employees to shorten the time from eight months to four months effectively a 50% decrease in training time savings substantial cost for he organization and better used of time for productivity . Also Din It Fungus staff have and hiring master chefs from china to teach the new or existing Junior chefs the art of making a traditional , Din ATA Fungus most famous dish Ixia Long ABA which takes years to harness the skill can actually be imparted in a training in months, as they are well equipped with numerous skills that can improve productivity and increase retention rates by over 20% as the employees of Din ATA Fund are trained to better understand the strong emphasis on career progression and oriented cultures . Spring Singapore,2013)With trainings skills which clearly differentiates Breadth from other competitors especially Din ATA Fungus chefs which are equipped with skills taught by a master culinary chef the organization , Breadth is able to produce the renowned Ixia Long ABA which has been on the media which drove many consumers wanting for more even thought Ixia Long ABA is a dish provided in many oriental restaurants , Breadth manages to create the most famous among its competitors . Performance management is a process where by the managers ensure that employees task and production are consistent with the organization goals it is classical creating a conducive work environment where individuals are able to perform at their best of their abilities (Hatfield,No date). When a company takes time to analyze the performance of its employees productivity rate and social factors to increase retention rate will improve significantly as employees see it as the organization caring about the needs of the employees . The information is usually gather in the feedbacks . To develop an effective performance management system a company should set clear expectations for employees in conjunction with providing managers performance management training , senior management support , focusing on the right performance measures and to differentiate performance fairly and effectively . In the case of Breadth the company has manage to implement policies to reduce working hours for a regular full time staff from the regular time of 11 hours and opt for a shorter working hour of 6. Hours ,which cater towards the service position which is deem long hours and unrewarding . Due to labor constraints, Din ATA Fund has also increase part-time employees by 50% to increase productivity under the supervision of full-timers . Spring Singapore. 2013) Performance appraisal and performance feedbacks are part and parcel of performance management to align the organizations goals to the employees passed down by top management and to provide employees in regards to their individuals effectiveness to increase productivity(HARM Guide,2013) . A performance appraisal can improve productivity for an individual within an organization as they understand whether their performance is what the organization is asking for, example an employee from Breadth who has been on a constant low productivity rate might hint he is doing his work right , however with performance appraisal conducted by his supervisor or managers the manager could use these information provided through the 5 performance information source of Managers,Peers,Subordinates,Self and Customers , the manager could then provide a performance feedback to the 2. Pay Structure Decisions There are two views of pay structure one from the employee and one from the employers . An employers view of a pay structure is critical in attaining strategic objectives as well understand that pay has an impact in the employees social factors such as behaviors and attitude . The employer should also consider that employee compensation can be a significant cost to the organization . While from an employees view policies that will affect the wages,compensations or other earnings will affect their total income which will affect their standard of living . Employees are also sensitive when it comes to fairness and pay when compared to others . There are two different pay structure concepts and consequences one being pay level which focus on external equity with the consequence being external employees movements , high labor cost and Job structure which focus on internal equity , consequence being internal employee movements and decrease in Cooperation . An organization like Breadth has develop pay levels as labor-market competition as product-market competition might not prove a viable option due to Breadth already high operating cost of 30% raw materials and 32% employees compensation as Breadth is unable to increase the cost of any Breadth group brands product as price sensitivity to consumers due to the line of products Breadth sells can drastically reduce revenues and hurt their reputation . COB,2014) Breadth has hired many culinary experts , Top management executives with a history of experiences and and expert search and development team from all over the world has to place itself different from its competitors and to create a globalizes reputation . To attract such talents to the organization Breadth has take careful consideration in the pay structures as it differs across other countries in terms of level and relative worth of Jobs also experts pay and benefits used to link closely to the home country but now it depends more on assignments nature and duration of the Job. This is a result from high base salary in addition of company benefits and allowance to attract the foreign talents to Breadth . Though this will potentially increase Breadth group wages over the years due to rise in expectations and geographical segments example Breadth group in china with the recent government policy to raise income of workforce . Breadth has manage to position itself as a unique food and beverage company due the impact made by hiring foreign culinary chefs and executives working closely to develop innovative products . In conclusion , Breadth has a strong human resource strategy to support it competitive strategy to differentiate its brand from its competitors in terms of roving training and development and conducting quality performance management . However , Breadth operating expenses of employees compensations are ever increasing due to the already high labor cost which is taking 30% of the companies profit . These can be reduce with careful consideration of hiring more up the position to reduce operating expenses .
Monday, November 4, 2019
Businnes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Businnes - Essay Example It is the case that only approximately 10% of the population of the UAE can trace their lineage back to the original inhabitants of the land, and the influx of a significant number of foreigners has in a way represented a kind of dilution of culture. However the economic crisis has seen a large number of foreigners return to their home countries which in a way has caused the nation to reevaluate their own national identity. Coincidentally, right at the beginning of the financial crisis the nation opened their doors to the Cultural and Scientific Association, which is devoted to the promoting of Emirati culture. From this perspective, one could argue that with the outflow of foreigners would not necessarily have a culturally negative or positive effect, rather it may prompt discussions as to how the Emirates view their culture and how to preserve their culture. With this in mind one must question how originally, the influx of foreigners had affected the culture of the UAE. Without question, if approximately 90% of the population coming from foreign nations there would ultimately be an effect on the cultures and traditions of the UAE. Many things are influenced by the influx of foreigners such as the clothing that people wear, the food that people eat and the pastimes that people partake in. In the case of sport, there are a significant number of cricket players owing to the large influx of nationals from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India. According to Nayar (2011) there is a significant quantity of cricketing clubs that are training to learn a Sri Lankan style of bowling. What is interesting from this point is that Cricket is not a sport that is traditionally played in the UAE, moreover adopting a Sri Lankan style of bowling is a testament to the globalization of sport. From the arts perspective, Abu Dhabi will be home to the Middle Eastern c ontingent of the Louvre (Which will showcase a number of foreign pieces). Without
Saturday, November 2, 2019
MST 203 Marketing Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
MST 203 Marketing Coursework - Essay Example It is irrefutable that this principle also changes the role and function of marketing managers in the business organization. Marketing management is defined as the "analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives (Kotler & Armstrong 2001, p.14)." Truly, the business arena has evolved from placing emphasis on production, product improvements, and selling approaches and started to focus on customers. Marketing management functions now covers how a company can create and extend more valuable goods and services to each customer. Tesco PLC is the largest British retailer based on both global and local shares. Traditionally, the UK-based international retailer specializes only in the distribution of food products but it currently adds other goods and services to its product portfolio which ranges from clothing to consumer electronics to consumer financial services to internet services to internet service and consumer telecom. Last February 26, the company announced a total annual turnover of 33.974 billion and reported a pre-tax profit of 1.962 billion. It is estimated that in every 8 UK retail sales, 1 is spent on Tesco. Tesco is currently one of the world recognized retailers. As marketing is an essential aspect of a business organization, it is irrefutable that Tesco's success can be attributed on how it manages its marketing activities. This report will specifically look at the management activities and decision which named the company as the #5 largest retailer in the global arena. Marketing at a Strategic Level Strategic planning is one of the essential marketing management activities undertaken by Tesco PLC. Accordingly, Tesco PLC's commitment in effectively marketing its products is mirrored in the way it crafts its mission, vision, and goals. Tesco states its mission as "Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty (Our Core Purpose)." This statement is further expressed in two key values known as "No one tries harder for the customer," and "Treat people as we like to be treated (Our Core Purpose)." With these statements and values as guides in conducting their business operations, Tesco PLC undoubtedly lays a strong foundation in marketing its products and services. Recently, the company launched its new simplified marketing strategy which is a response to the increasing complexity of operations due to the rapid growth of its stores, range of products, intense competition, and new customer demographics. These factors, along with other challenges make it relatively more difficult and longer for Tesco to make important decisions. Thus, simplifying their marketing strategy into three words which contains the core value and purpose of the company is seen to be beneficial. Tesco PLC's new marketing strategy is encapsulated into three words-Every Little Helps. Every Little Helps reflects the company's recognition that it has a huge feat to accomplish and that every little [effort] helps in reaching its goals.
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